
1.             The paper sets out the remit and responsibilities of the Standards of Conduct Committee.


2.             The Committee is invited to note its remit.


3.             The rules and procedures of the Senedd are laid out in Standing Orders. Standing Order 16.1 requires the Senedd to establish committees with power within their remit to:

“(i) examine the expenditure, administration and policy of the government and associated public bodies;

(ii) examine legislation;

(iii) undertake other functions specified in Standing Orders; and

(iv) consider any matter affecting Wales.”

4.             In doing this, the Business Committee has to ensure that every area of responsibility of the Welsh Government and associated public bodies, and all matters relating to the legislative competence of the Senedd and functions of the Welsh Ministers and of the Counsel General, are subject to committee scrutiny.

Committee remit

5.             The remit of this Committee, as agreed by the Senedd on 23 June 2021, is:

“To carry out the functions set out in Standing Order 22”

6.             Standing Order 22.2 states:

22.2 The responsible committee must:

(i) investigate, report on and, if appropriate, recommend action in respect of any complaint referred to it by the Commissioner for Standards that a Member has not complied with:

 (a) Standing Order 2;

(b) any Senedd resolution relating to the financial or other interests of Members;

 (c) Standing Order 5;

(d) any Senedd resolution relating to Members’ standards of conduct;

(e) any code or protocol made under Standing Order 1.10 and in accordance with section 36(6) of the Act;

 (f) Standing Order 3; or

(g) Standing Order 4;

(ii) consider any matters of principle relating to the conduct of Members generally;

(iii) supervise the arrangements for the compilation, maintenance and accessibility of the Register of Members’ Interests, the Record of the Employment of Family Members with the Support of Commission Funds, the Record of Members’ Time Involved in Registrable Activities and the Record of Membership of Societies and the form and content of the Register and the Records; and

(iv) establish and lay before the Senedd procedures for the investigation of complaints under Standing Order 22.2(i).

7.             Further details on the wider roles and responsibilities of Senedd committees are set out in the Business Committee’s report laid before the Senedd on 23 June 2021.